SWEATSHOPPE // european tour 2012

Winner of the Vimeo Awards Captured Category 2012 and the One Club, One Screen Award 2012

In the Fall of 2010, artist collaboration SWEATSHOPPE (Bruno Levy and Blake Shaw) toured Europe
painting video during their travels. This video documents new features that had been implemented
to video painting such as layering. This furthers the creative process and artistic possibilities of video
painting by allowing for the creation of a new and unique video collages with every performance.

bruno levy sweatshoppe video painting europe

SWEATSHOPPE travelled through Europe, creating live video collages on the Berlin Wall, Cordy House,
Les Invalides and various locations from Belgrade to Bristol. Each performance unfold a individual
visual collage composed by the artificial stroke of the paintroller.
Music: Artist Eskmo “Cloudlight”
bruno levy sweatshoppe video painting europe

bruno levy sweatshoppe video painting europe

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